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User Guide of

The Luxury Pivot


Login with the username and password provided by the super admin

The first thing you must do change your password

More secured account assures user to trust a systema and make a reliable system

You can also update your other details in edit profile page

Admin Dashboard

Dashboard screen is where you land right after login

There is all the statistical information at a galnce

First section display the calculatoins of current month, last month overall profits

Second section display the list of sales assoicates and admin and there performance in sales and commissions

Sold Items

Obviously the watch in inventory is meant to be sold. When you chose to sell a watch it will redirect to a sell watch screen.

In sell screen, first select a client you want to sell. Watch details section have some pre populated fields of the watch you Chose to sell.

Enter sale details in the remaining fields.

Enter payment details in third section or skip that part for later accounts purposes

After submit, watch is sent to sold list and an email with invoice is sent to client.

Notifications are sent to the users of a dealer

Buy Watch

Select client from the list of clients by typing client name in the text box, on selecting a client its details will be populated in other fields. If a client is new click on '+' button to add new client.

Enter watch and purchase details in second step. You can upload three images of a watch at buy time. Fields highlighted with '*' are required.

In payment section enter payment details or you can skip that part for later accounts purposes After submit, watch goes into inventory and client is informed by an email with attached receipt.

Admin and sales associates are notified with push notifications stating a watch is purchased.


Inventory displays the watchs you have. There are two layouts for inventory you can switch between, Tiles layout and List view

Latest items displayed at top

You can search a watch by (Serial number, Model,Sub model, Material, Brand, Price, watch year)

Filter items by category Sort items by price or date

Generate QR code of details, View details, Edit item, Delete item, Download Invoice

Watch Details

Watch details screen displays all important details of a watch.

If the watch is a consigned watch then client info is also available with the commission decided on consignment. And return consignment button is also displayed

You can sell and edit it from here.

If a watch goes missing (we hope it won't), but in that case you can add it to a separate list called missing items list and from there it can't be sold as it is not available.

You can add to checkout list to outsource a watch to sales associate, once it is checked out the details of sales associate, when and why he took the will be displayed.

If Docusign enabled you can resend Docusign from this page or upload it manually if it happened outside Chronokey.

Sell watch

Obviously the watch in inventory is meant to be sold.

When you chose to sell a watch it will redirect to a sell watch screen.

In sell screen, first select a client you want to sell.

Watch details section have some pre populated fields of the watch you Chose to sell.

Enter sale details in the remaining fields.

Enter payment details in third section or skip that part for later accounts purposes.

After submit, watch is sent to sold list and an email with invoice is sent to client.

Notifications are sent to the users of a dealer

Trade (Exchange) watch

From sell screen if you want to trade a watch instead of just selling it click 'Add Trade In' button and enter details.

Trade in items will be displayed in the bottom list and total of their prices will be calculated to compare with sell price

You can add multiple watches in trade.

No more watch is allowed to enter when total trade in price exceeds of sell price.

After form submission, the sold watch goes to sold list and trade in watches go into inventory.

A trade invoice is generated and sent to the client via email

Consign watch

You don't need to purchase a watch to sell it, here is the solution you can have a consignment agreement with a client who hands over a watch and you sell it for him and charge your commission.

The commission can be either a percentage or a fixed price. It will be available in inventory and for sale.

The amount of the watch will be paid to the client after the deduction of commission when the consignment watch is sold.

The consigned watch can also be returned to the client from the watch details page.

Watch Service

Watches requires service and maintenance to look luxurious. System allows to enter service records of a watch..

Enter details in the form and you can select the type of service from the list or either enter the custom value by selecting the 'other' option in the list

Once the service is completed, the watch is returned to the customer and the remaining payment is received and the record must be updated.

Email is sent to the client when we add a service and another email is sent when the service is completed.

Pending Order

When a client comes to you and doesn't find his desired watch, don't let him go.

Add a pending order record for the client.

Pending order allows the system to take watch information from the client which he wanted but it is not currently available.

Advance payment is received from the client to make assure he really wanted to buy that watch

An email of proof will be sent to client.

When a relevant watch is added to the system an email is sent to that client, informing him the watch arrives, and then sells that watch to him.

In the pending order list you can see all the orders that are pending and needs to be fulfilled.


Emails are important part of business as it is one of the main sources of communication.

System and provides support for emails on different operations in the system.

When the watch is purchased an email is sent.

When the watch is sold an email is sent.

Emails are also sent on services and pending orders.

Emails are sent with the customs invoice template attached.

Inquiry CRM

After you have gathered some leads, it is time to process them efficiently.

The user to whom the lead is assigned can view all details of the client and its query.

Thus a user can communicate with the client and can update the progress track record.

CRM allows getting things started quickly with a quick response option. Users can add activity records by which they communicated to the client and their current relations with the client.

Users can add activity record by which they communicated to the client and current relation with the client.

Live Chat System

The system provides a fast and better way of communication within the system.

Users can have a one on one personal chats.

They can also create a chat group for communication.

Dealers can also communicate with other dealers within the system.

It can happen when a dealer searches for a watch from other dealers